Saturday, March 30, 2013

I made it!

Well readers, I did it. I have made it through not only the 4 required weeks of full load student teaching, but also the self imposed additional 4 days before spring break of full load student teaching!!!

I have to say, being on this end of the bridge feels really really good. I'm so honored to have a great class, a great school, excellent principals, and a fabulous cooperating teachers. I have learned so much in the last 3 months and I will forever remember the lessons learned here. It's been a priceless experiences. :-D

This past week was C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!!!!!!!!! To start it off, I had a rough cold all week, still fighting the tail ends of actually. My CT bought a house. And then we had the make up work.... the mountainous amounts of make up work. lol Ending a quarter right before a break, with a class that has students that are consistently 3-6 assignments behind, is rough. There was a lot of reteaching, corrections, and "hustling" to get it all in. In the end though, I'm proud of my students. They came through with pretty much everyone passing all subjects, despite this being a heavy content semester. Yay!!!

At our "spring celebration" (which replaced V-Day parties, btw) it was with relief that my CT and I stepped back and handed over our "spring breakers" to the WONDERFUL parent volunteers. The power of involved parents.... WOW!!!

So here I am, on my first Saturday out of full time. I'm oddly not working today despite being able to. But luckily I am working 3 days over this next week. (I've got some cash to earn back from my month long sabbatical!) And while I'm honestly, not totally looking forward to having to work again, I do kind of miss my coworkers and managers. I also know that by the end of this summer, I will be quitting, probably for good, so that I can focus solely on being a new teaching in the wonderful class/school I end up!

 Speaking of where I end up. I have no clue. I feel that it will honestly be more in my best interest to stay within the school system I'm student teaching in. But, there are several other counties that I'm considering and  will start completing applications for. I can only hope I can at least start interviewing for jobs in the next month. It would be BEYOND cool to know that I have job before graduating if possible!

.... Now all semester I have focused on really being in the moment and not worrying so much about student teaching. But, with full time over, the rest is really just a cake walk. (While still giving my 110%, of course) So I feel that it is safe to finally start the countdown! I love countdowns, and will do so for any big event in my life (including birthdays, because hey, it is an important thing to me that I was born! lol)

Here it is.... GRADUATION IS IN 41 DAYS!!! :]

Happy Spring Break Y'ALL!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Full Time Student Teaching

Sorry for the incredibly long pause between posts. This entire month of March I've been teaching full time in my classroom. It has been... an incredible experience.

Let me start with my CT. She is wonderful. At the end of first week, told me how proud of me she is. My CT is constantly boosting up my moral and complimenting me. We work so well together and I am genuinely sad when I think about the end of my time in this classroom. I think that we will definitely be friends after this.  She has reminded me why  I want to get into teaching, and helped me realize my potential.

Next ,let  me bring up my kids. They are great. Crazy, wonderful, inquisitive, curious, and loving kids. Every day, despite any behavior problems, I leave ready and wanting to come back. Let's be honest, the kids really make your job as a teacher. We've earned our class reward. They choose a pajama day. The day of the reward, it was actually the perfect day to wear warm fuzzy pajamas, as it was a cold and windy day. :]

This was the banner to announce the winners of the
Human Body Unit, Question of the Day contest! 

PJ DAY!!! 

Friday we had a field trip to the NC Transportation museum. What an adventure! Because I was there, our class was split up the most. I took 7 kids with me on Bus 3. Within 10 minutes of driving, bus three lost two tires! lol It ended up alright. Apparently charter buses can drive safely missing tires. So onward we went. If you have ever been on a wooden roller coaster, you can imagine what that trip sounded and felt like lol :]  They called a mechanic to come fix the tires while we were touring. However, the mechanic didn't show up until it was almost time to go, so therefore, we arrived about 30-45 minutes later than we planned. There goes all of our extra instruction time! We rushed back to class, got packed up, and proceeded straight to computers. It was a little hectic, needless to say.

Here's one of the wonderful exhibits at the museum! 

Well this week would technically be the last week of full time student teaching, but we are just extending it to right up before spring break. When we get back from spring break, I'll be dropping off subjects left and right while I get the opportunity to visit and observe in other classrooms. It's so crazy! That last week of April/first week of May will be the end of Student teaching. Bittersweet moments ahead for sure.

Just me in some new teaching clothes lol
I really liked this outfit! 

Oh, and I'm starting the application process this week/end. Wish me luck!!